Category Archives: Television

Ultraman Specium Ray

Watch Ultraman Classic Series on Hulu

I recently discovered the entire series of the original Ultraman available on Hulu. At least, what I believe to be the original version essentially as it was aired in the United States. Ultraman was in syndication in the USA when I was a little kid


Supergirl Episode 10 ‘Childish Things’ Recap

Supergirl season one, episode 10 introduces us to this telling’s version of Toyman. In the opening sequences, we see Winslow Schott (yes, Toyman) break out of maximum security prison. We also get to see J’Onn J’Onzz giving Kara a brief flight lesson, and then we begin

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Mid-Season Trailer

If you haven’t been following Star Wars Rebels, get caught up quick. Even while we’re still knee-deep in the wake of The Force Awakens, this trailer for the second half of season two of Star Wars Rebels is really exciting. Give it a watch, and

Martian Manhunter Flies in Supergirl Sneak Peek

In this new ‘Sneak Peek’ clip from CBS series Supergirl, we get our first good look at J’onn J’onzz in action (well, in flight at least). Take a look: It looks like he’s giving Kara some sort of training, beginning with a flight lesson. I’m

Supergirl Episode 09

Supergirl Episode 9 ‘Blood Bonds’ Recap

I keep forgetting that Supergirl is a program on CBS. I guess because the main character is a young adult, and most of the core characters seem to be young adult near-hipsters, I keep thinking of it as a CW show. I was going to

The Flash Season 2 Remainder Trailer

Here’s a trailer for the remainder of The Flash season 2. We get to see Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost, an Earth-2 version of Barry, another Reverse Flash, Wally West, and more. I’m trusting that this is all in the service of telling good stories, and

Supergirl Episode 5 Recap Feature.

Supergirl Episode 5 ‘How Does She Do It?’ Recap

This fifth episode of Supergirl was the best since the pilot. The episode is about juggling a lot of things and spreading one’s self too thin. The show’s producers manage to do the former in this episode without falling victim to the latter. The episode

Supergirl Livewire

Supergirl Episode 4 ‘Livewire’ Recap

The fourth episode of CBS’s Supergirl introduces us to Livewire, a villain who can conduct and control electricity, and seems to be made of electric current herself, or at least can transform easily between that and a physical state. This may remind you of Electro,

Supergirl Pilot Episode Recap

Supergirl Pilot Episode Recap

The Supergirl pilot episode was about what I expected. Maybe even a little bit better than I expected. Yes, it’s a prime-time network TV teen drama. But this pilot episode includes enough action to stay interesting, and the storyline was tight enough that I didn’t